Martial arts give you much more than your average fitness class. Why? Martial Arts Brisbane offers classes that incorporate training which helps improve your fitness, lose weight and improve your flexibility in a way other methods of fitness can’t. As well as improving yourself physically, training at Martial Arts Brisbane can help increase your confidence and improve your overall mindset. Not only will your brain and body benefit from training at Martial Arts Brisbane but you’ll become part of a friendly, close-knit team, make new friends and have access to our purpose-built training facility. Change up your routine and try something new today at Martial Arts Brisbane!

What are Martial Arts
Kicks, punches, chokes, blocks and lots of fast flying limbs may be what comes to mind when you think of martial arts. However martial arts training is designed to be safe, fun and to not injure your training buddies! Martial arts were historically military and defensive in practice with the majority originating in Asia. These days the majority of martial arts are practiced as sports which can be classified into unarmed, such as BJJ and Taekwondo and armed such as Krav Maga & Jiujitsu. Although martial arts can offer a fierce physical workout, their focus is on the mind as well as the body.

Martial Arts History
Although many martial arts are associated with East Asian culture, other countries have also been known to practice them for centuries, with Europe having its own historical martial arts and Native Americans traditionally use an open-handed style that includes wrestling! However the majority of martial arts we know and train in today originated in Asia and are thought to be a blend of Chinese and Indian arts. These are thought to have been practiced from as early as 2600BC and are often linked to medicinal practices such as acupuncture, qigong and acupressure.